Your Intellectual Data is Important to Us

Data Security is an Often Ignored Area, but Highly Important


Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

2014 had an all time high in the number of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities. These are attacks that rapidly reproduce with little time to patch.


Targeted Attacks on Medium and Small Businesses

Attackers are not just focusing on large corporations, but have been increasing attacks on smaller companies who often will not budget for data security.


New Pieces of Malware Created in 2014

Most AntiVirus Software is not designed to scan for Malware infection. AntiVirus software is important to your data security, but regular Malware scans should be a part of your overall protection plan.


Surveyed Companies Did Not have a Daily Backup Plan

Computers Fail. People make mistakes. Disasters happen. Your data should be safe and available as soon as possible when this happens.

Flexible Peach State Preventative Maintenance Software

Let us protect your Workstations and Servers while you sleep


  • Hardware & software audits
  • Performance & Preventive Maintenance Reports
  • LogMeIn Pro Remote Control
  • Patch Whitelisting Service
  • Antivirus Management
  • Desktop Performance Monitoring
  • Administrative Scripting
  • Policy Management
  • Client Communicator
  • Webroot Antivirus License
  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro


  • Hardware & software audits
  • Performance & Preventive Maintenance Reports
  • Proactive Maintenance
  • LogMeIn Pro Remote Control
  • Patch Whitelisting Service
  • Antivirus Management
  • Administrative Scripting
  • Policy Management
  • Remote Restart of Services
  • 24/7 Monitoring and Resolution
  • Managed Patch Deployment

Office Services

  • Advanced Mobile Device Management
  • HIPAA Compliance Email
  • Project Management and Execution
  • Disaster Recovery Evaluation and Solutions
  • Multi-site Automated Backup Plans
  • Office Security Best Practices
  • Office365
  • Server Virtualization
  • Wireless Internet Optimizaiton